4 fast facts about Saipan

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Our last stop before heading to Asia is Saipan, an US incorporated territory.
Most Americans aren’t even aware the island is part of the country, since it is such an isolated place. We prepared 4 facts for you to get acquainted with the place:
1. Saipan is the capital city of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana islands, an archipelago of 14 islands.
2. Saipan is on the Guiness Book of Records because it has the world’s most consistent temperature. The minimum temperature is 79 ºF and the maximum is 89 ºF, both in summer and winter.
3. Saipan was stage of a WW2 battle between Japan and the USA. The victory was American, and that is why the territory belongs to the country nowadays.
4. The island used to have a great population of giant African land snails, which is not an endemic species, and may have been introduced as a food source on purpose or accidentally by shipping cargos. In order to control it, flatworms were introduced in the environment. However, this caused not only the extinction of the giant African land snails but the regular tree snails’ existence as well.