Orient Expedition

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The lovely (and dangerous) leopard seal

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The safety of a trip depends a lot on internal factors, such as the correct use of safety equipment, route planing and boat maintenance.

Another very important factor to ensure the success of the trip is studying the local fauna and flora. In Antarctica, we saw a leopard seal – a lovely animal que loves to play! Watch this video by National Geographic:

But it’s not in vain that it carries the “leopard” in its name. Just like the feline, the leopard seal is an excellent hunter. It has a large body and powerful jaw, may weight up to 50kg and be very ferocious in attacks.

Despite the fact that krill constitutes 50% of its diet, the leopard seal also feeds on penguins and other seal species, as well as fish, squid and even marine birds. As you may have noticed, most of its food comes from the water – the leopard seal is more agile in water than on ice. And they are also lonely – leopard seal groups are constituted of temporary couples which only stay together to mate. When it’s not mating season, they walk in pairs and babies. Each female gives birth to one baby, and the birts occurs between October and January.

And how is that related to safety? When we were in Antarctica, we had to double our attention with our inflatable boat: the leopard seal is its most dangerous rival, biting and destroying it. During our stay there, the whole crew was alert.

On the road, there are factors that may damage your trip. If anything happens, you must be prepared. IN our case, we had to put the boat away, but you can call HDI, and they will meet you wherever you are.

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