The war on Brazil’s independence

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In the History books, we usually learn of the significance of the 7th of September and Brazil’s Independence as a moment of heroism and nationalism. But not always it’s remembered that the events of this date also led to the start of a war in defense of the national territory, the War of Brazil’s Independence.
In one side, the new nation led by D. Pedro I. On the other, his father, Portugal’s King John VI.
The conflict was already heating up by 1821 and Brazil’s population divided in two: the ones that wanted the independence and the ones that wanted to remain faithful to Portugal. The most remote regions like Pará and Maranhão kept their allegiance with Portugal. However, Pernambuco was all in favor of the independence. Bahia, on the other hand, was unable to reach an agreement.
By 1822, it was common to see Portuguese forces and Brazilian ones in combat for the control of the nation.
The key to victory was on the sea. Both forces knew how precarious Portugal’s ships were and Brazilians saw an opportunity in that. No european bank would loan them the gold to build new ships, so D. Pedro I himself paid for them. That inspired the rest of the nobility to do the same.
Led by Admiral Thomas Cochrane, the Brazilian fleet managed to beat the Portuguese presence in Brazil’s waters and send them back to Europe.
Peace was finally reached after D. Pedro I signed a peace treaty in 1826. With it, relations with Portugal were normalized and the new country gained international recognition.
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