The last part of the Orient Expedition is about to start

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Another chapter of the Orient Expedition has come to an end!
We had unforgettable moments sailing through Asia: we visited the Great Wall of China, explored Okinawa, admired nature in borneo.
Now, the arrival in Mauritius marks the beginning of the last part of our 3rd tour around the world.
Our stops will be:
Port Louis, Mauricius
Reunion Island
Richard’s Bay, South Africa
Capetown, South Africa
Santa Helena Island
Itajaí, Brazil
So, we still have a lot to sail, explore and discover. We are really glad to have you with us and we can’t wait for your company during this last part.
As from Friday, August 26, you’ll meet the winner of the 3rd chapter, and the 4th chapter begins, in which you’ll have the chance to meet us in Brazil, how about that?
You’ll have question on the Logbook on alternate days, daily questions on Quiz Estácio, besides daily shifts on Solví and HDI games.
All aboard!