The two Chinas

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Did you know that there are in fact two Chinas? After the historical events of the country in the last centuries, the geopolitical scenario we have today has two nations instead of one.
The China we know is one of the oldest nations in the world. An empire that spans millennia and has fascinating historical remains today. Their imperial dynasties are true milestones in time that divide ages and the rest of the world.
After World War II, in 1949, China became involved in a civil war, a confrontation between the nationalist forces (Kuomintang) and the Communists loyal to the Communist Party of China. One of the most notorious characters in this time was Mao Zedong, who led the Communist forces during this civil war.
After casualties in the millions, a ceasefire was achieved in 1950 with the victory of the Communists, who took control of mainland China. The nationalists fled to the territory of the island of Taiwan after losing the conflict. Since then, Taiwan has officially been called the Republic of China.
In a way, that nation we saw last millennia changed addresses and names to call Taiwan. Or, on the other hand, we can see that China’s history is so rich that even becoming the People’s Republic of China remains the same that had historical dynasties throughout the ages.
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