Diário do Capitão: A navegada para Nha Trang

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We left Hong Kong on May 7th, going towards Nha Trang, in Vietnam. There were 665 miles to be travelled. There was good weather, with no wind and using the engine. Our grandson, Sebastian, came to travel with us in his university vacation.
In the waters of Hong Kong’s bay, you could tell a layer of pollution not just on water, but also on the air. We had to wash SY Kat’s deck every day because there was always a black sludge that touched everything. Local sailors are able to find Hong Kong by following the smog. Pollution comes through the wind.
We sailed against the current, doing 144 miles in 24 hours. The same procedure, much attention to smaller fishing boats with nets, so we made sure to avoid them. The intense transit of ships decreased, with only smaller fishing boats remaining with their powerful lighting that looked like a city from a distance. Our speed was slow, around 4 to 4.5 knots, due to being against the current. Because we decided to avoid the fishermen, we ran into many of them. We went by a mile away of Marstal Maersk ship, which had 399 meters of height and speed of 20.1 knots, which the relative speed amounts to 24.6 knots.
After long, at the Sea of China, because of the rampant fishing and much trash in the ocean, it’s rare to be able to find something good by fishing. We were able to get a 12 kg one, a miracle. We arrived in Vietnam, in Nha Trang, after 5 days of sailing. We went by 771 miles in 134.5 hours. We never left the helm because any distraction could compromise the vessel. But, even with all that attention, we also had HDI’s protection too.