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The meaning of Polynesian tattoos

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Yesterday, we talked about the origin of tattoos and the meaning they carry in Polynesian culture. These drawings have a very specific line, and are easily recognized.

Here are some of the main drawings and their respective meaning:


TIki are human figures that represent Polynesia semi-gods. They mean protection.

Marquese cross

This is a very popular symbol and is used to represent balance and harmony between elements.


Usually, the sun is always followed by other symbols to convey specific meaning. The sunrise is related to rebirth, whereas the sunset is related to the passage to the world beyond. Isolated, the sun means richness and leadership.


Representing the ocean is very common in Polynesian tattoos, usually to fill or complete blocks and compositions. It may mean the passage to the world beyond, and also convey food, life, fertility and persistence.


This is a very important symbol in the Polynesian culture. Find out its meaning and answer the question below.

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