Indonesia’s myths of creation

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One of the most fascinating aspects of traveling around the world is to get to know several cultures and points of view in so many places. Indonesia is one of the world’s most diverse countries, with hundreds of ethnic groups, with their own beliefs and habits. Myths and legends explain the origin of the world, and the people report the existance of good and evil spirits.
Myths about the creation of the world are many in multiple cultures of the world. A part of the Indonesia’s native groups have a mix of beliefs that were influenced by nearby religions such as Hinduism. Ancient peoples from Java and Bali used to believe that an invisible entity with supernatural powers called Hyang created the universe.
Believing that an invisible entity was responsible for the creation of the world is common among almost every of the local tribes, with some variations. A special case is the Sulawesi groups, who believe that the Earth is on the back of a giant mammal called babirusa-buru. The legend says there was an earthwquake when the animal felt its back scratching and rubbed it against a palm tree.
Java Island has many myths about the creation of the world too. There are historical records of the myth of Tanty Pagelaran that explain that Batara Goru (Shiva) commanded gods Brahma and Vishnu to fill the Earth with people. At the time, the island flotead freely on the ocean. To make it fixed, the gods nailed it to land when they moved part of India and fitted into Java.
Which other stories would you like to learn on Indonesian mythology?