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Argentinian Tradition

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It is through parties, habits and traditions of a country that we are able to visit its past and get to know its history! Last Sunday, we had the fortunate opportunity of joining a typical ball and seeing typical Argentinian outfits.

We woke up early and went to the beach in Mar del Plata to watch the third edition of “Gran Pericón Nacional”, an event that gathered more than 900 participants and 20,000 people in the audience, among tourists and locals.

“Pericón”, also known as “Danza Nacional”, is a flokloric dance present in Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. “Gran Pericón” is held annually, after the celebration of “Dia de la Tradición”.

As the dance started, we were fascinated by the visual of the festival. The groups were organized in different folkloric clusters, and each one represented a region and a specific time. People of all ages were participating, including teenagers and children, all excited to preserver their country’s tradition and taking it forward.

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