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Retrospective (part 3), by Heloisa Schurmann
27 de marzo de 2014
Our second step towards making our dream come true was in 1980, when we bought a "real" sailboat, with cabin, bed, bathroom, stove, table - a house, after all!
Waiting and waiting, we sailed with our Patinho Feio (Ugly Duckling) on weekends during the day, and then Pierre, David, Wilhelm, Vilfredo, and me would sit on the floor in the living room browsing an atlas, imagining routes of dreams and adventures! Surely none of us had any idea of how the purchase of the Sagui (Marmoset) would change our lives forever.
We shared our family life with work and, whenever it was possible, our small boat Patinho Feio. We tightened our belts to save up as much as we could because, buying the new boat, every penny at the end of the month would be spent on paying the instalments of our Sagui, which was being built in Rio de Janeiro.
As we waited for our new boat to be built, which took 8 months, we upgraded our navigation course with a Navy captain, took the Navy exams and got Master-Amateur qualifications. We also had radio transmitting lessons and my brother Paulo, who is a doctor, gave me first aid classes for a month in the hospital, where I learned the most various medical procedures. Together, we prepared a pharmacy kit. I confess I lost all my vocation to be a doctor one day. At the end of 8 months, Sagui was ready...